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Monday, December 21, 2015

Are you a 'IF' Christian

Today I heard a sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King on the “If” Christian.  The “If’  Christian is one who has decided to follow Christ only when everything runs smoothly.  They are willing to serve Jesus Christ when it is easy and considered the “In” thing.  Often they bargain with God and agree to follow him “If” everything is easy; if they don’t have to endure sufferings or persecution.  They follow the Lord when it makes sense for them; if they receive something in return, such as: a good job, a nice family, plenty of money and great health. When bad things start to happen to them, then their faith is tested.  They do not want to do anything that will make their life uneasy.  They don’t want to lose friends, family or their great lifestyle, so they often compromise on their beliefs.  They choose to be silent when people oppose their beliefs or their faith.  Dr. Martin Luther King wasn’t a “If” Christian but a minister who stood against those laws that were evil.
In this sermon, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr preached on three Christians that refused to bow down and worship the image of gold.  Daniel Chapter three tells us that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood against the evil of the land.  They had a faith greater than that of man.  They believed on the God above and took a stand against King Nebuchadnezzar and his law.  They knew that God would deliver them out of fiery furnace that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.  They said, “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.”

Their faith was deep enough and real enough that nothing was going to compromise their faith; nothing was going to get them to forsake their true God for a false god.  They had enough faith that they trusted in God to deliver them; but if not, they would die with their faith intact.  What about you?  Are you willing to take a stand against injustice or evil laws.  They are coming and coming soon.  We have a president that is writing his own laws.  We have a Roman Pope that is writing and changing laws into what is evil.  Hitler changed laws and they were considered the law of the land.  Are you willing to die for your belief in God?  Are you willing to stand up against those things you know God hates?
Judge Roy Moore of Alabama is taking a stand against “gay marriage” in Alabama.  He says that his God is against it and he will not support anything that his God is against.  He is willing to lose his job, where he was making a lot of money and held for years, for his beliefs.  He is willing to take a stand against evil in this land; which shows his faith.  He doesn’t have a “If” faith but a true faith in God.  He is suffering persecution now and has in the past, when he lost his job for refusing to take down the “Ten commandments” statue.
Soon there is coming a law that will require everyone to bow down and worship an “image of the beast.”  One will be required to take a mark in their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13).  Those that refuse to take the mark or worship the image will suffer on this earth.  They will be persecuted, perhaps thrown in prison for their refusal.  Those that worship the beast or take his mark will receive judgment of God (Revelation 20).
Jesus told us that we might have to face persecution and sufferings of this life, but he said he would never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  God will walk with you and will help you in everything you do.  You do not have to walk alone.  You can trust in the Almighty God and believe on his son, Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, God promised you eternal life (John 5:24).  If you are not, I urge you to accept Christ before it is too late.

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